Thursday, April 22, 2010

I really could use your vote!

This month our local craft group decided to have an earthday challenge, take a look and cast your votes (even if its not for me! lol)

Ultimate Shoe Charm Bracelet With Charms For Every Mood: Unique Jewelry Gift For Her

Ultimate Shoe Charm Bracelet With Charms For Every Mood: Unique Jewelry Gift For Her

This has to be the cutest bracelet ever!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Month End Madness Sale

Dont Be an April Fool Sale.
10% off 1 item
20% off 2 items
30% off 3 or more items

Free Shipping on everything!
Sale is one day only and ends at Midnight 3/31/10

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter break for the kids, time to try our hand at making Candy

I just stumbled upon this great blog and thought this might be a lot of fun for the kids to try while home on break. I will let you know how it turns out! Looks easy and fun. Yummy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enter to win a FREE purse organizer from my shop

Check out this site to see how you can win a free purse organizer!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Cute craft for Valentine or Mom

These make cute and practicle gifts for all the women in your life. Super simple, and really handy.

I just made up a bunch of these for a craft show this weekend, cant wait to share them.


Assorted beads that will measure 7 inches when strung
elastic cord ( I prefer the heaviest weight )
key ring
charm optional

1.String beads on elastic cording in desired order.

2.tie secure knot in elastic ( be sure to tie multiple knots so it stays secure, you may also put a dot of glue on the knot to ensure it does not come undone)

3.Add key ring and secure by knoting elastic around key ring

4.trim elastic cord

5.add charm if desired

These are fun for kids to make and give to teachers, bus drivers, or moms!

Friday, January 15, 2010

black and white

black and white
Originally uploaded by somethingfromnothin
I am so Happy this is FINALLY done! I think it came out great. What other colors should I make it in?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

An Unexpected Adventure

I did not set out today to buy more supplies, it really was not my objective to come home with bags of new yarn and beads!

It started out harmless, I just thought I would stop in the local bead shop and take a look around. Maybe find a little inspiration, pick up a few spacer beads that I could use....but did not really need. Well, I know its not just me, I get in there and everything is so enticing! And the prices were great! I ended up leaving with quite a few hemitie beads, some fancy square beads, and 5 hanks of spacers. ooooppppssss! I am sure I will find lots of great uses for them though.

Then, as if I needed to I mentioned to the clerk that I had not been to the new yarn shop that I knew was near by, but did not know where exactly. Of course she told me where it was I had to go!

My first reaction was ....well how can I say this nicely? Not very impressed. As I was about to leave I noticed in the corner by the check out a little bin that said SALE. Now your talking my language! I started slow, only going to by 2 or 3, well, maybe 4. Ok, I ended up with a lot! It was fun, I cant wait to dig in and create! I found some great new treasures today!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 Reasons to Buy Lots of Yarn

I just came across this and it soooooo perfectly fits my way of thinking!

10 Reasons to Buy Lots of Yarn
1. It insulates the cupboard where it is kept.
2. It keeps the economy moving. It is my patriotic duty to support wool
farmers, textile mills, and yarn shops.
3. It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care.
4. I'm participating in a contest - the one who dies with the most yarn
5. It keeps without refrigeration, you don't have to cook it to enjoy
it, you never have to feed it, change it, wipe its nose or walk it.
6. Because I'm worth it.
7. Like dust, it's good for protecting previously unprotected spaces in
the house, like the ironing board, the laundry basket, the dining room
8. It's not immoral, illegal or fattening. It calms the nerves,
ratifies the soul, and makes me feel good.
9. Because it is on sale. Because that is such a beautiful colour... I've never seen it
before... I must have it.
10. Buy it now, before your husband retires and goes with you on all your
shopping expeditions.

From; noreensknitche.weblogs